Floral Fantasy Pullover
These floral designs are perfectly poised for a knitting challenge! Have fun creating a comfy pullover from Patons.
- Patons Astra (50 g/1.75 oz)
- Size S M L XL
- Main Color (MC) (Dark Purple)
- 3 4 4 5 balls
- Contrast A (Lilac)
- 1 2 2 2 ball(s)
- Contrast B (Blue)
- 2 2 3 4 balls
- Contrast C (Amethyst)
- 2 3 3 3 balls
- Contrast D (White)
- Bust measurement
- Small 30-32 ins [ 76-81 cm ]
- Medium 34-36 ins [ 86-91 cm ]
- Large 38-40 ins [ 97-102 cm ]
- Extra-Large 42-44 ins [ 107-112cm ]
- Finished bust
- Small 42 ins [ 107 cm ]
- Medium 44 ins [ 112 cm ]
- Large 47½ ins [ 121 cm ]
- Extra-Large 49½ ins [ 126 cm ]
24 sts and 28 rows = 4 ins [10 cm] with larger needles in Fair Isle pattern
Sizes 3.75 mm (U.S. 5) and 4 mm (U.S. 6) knitting needles or size needed to obtain tension. 2 st holders.
The instructions are written for smallest size. If changes are necessary for larger sizes the instructions will be written thus ( ).
With MC and smaller needles cast on 111 (117-127-135) sts.
1st row: (RS). K1. *P1. K1. Rep from * to end of row.
This row forms seed st pat.
Cont in seed st pat for 1½ ins [4 cm] ending with RS facing for next row and inc 6 sts evenly across last row. 117 (123-133-139) sts.
Change to C, larger needles and work 3 (5-7-9) rows in stocking st.
Next row: (WS). P7 (13-13-9). *Inc 1 st in next st. P10 (10-11-12). Rep from * to end of row. 127 (133-143- 149) sts.
**Work Chart I to end of chart reading knit rows from right to left and purl rows from left to right.
Next row: With MC, knit.
Next row: (WS). P7 (13-13-9). *P2tog. P10 (10-11-12). Rep from * to end of row. 117 (123-133-139) sts.
Work 1 (3-5-7) row(s) in stocking st.
Next row: (WS). P7 (11-13-9). *Inc 1 st in next st. P10 (10-11-12). Rep from * to end of row. 127 (133-143- 149) sts.
Work Chart II to end of chart reading knit rows from right to left and purl rows from left to right.
Next row: With C, knit.
Next row: (WS). With C, P7 (13-13- 9). *P2tog. P10 (10-11-12). Rep from * to end of row. 117 (123-133- 139) sts.
Work 1 (3-5-7) row(s) in stocking st.
Next row: (WS). P7 (13-13-9). *Inc 1 st in next st. P10 (10-11-12). Rep from * to end of row. 127 (133-143- 149) sts.**
Rep from ** to ** once more.
Work Chart I to end of chart.
Next row: With MC, knit.
Next row: With MC, P7 (13-13-9). *P2tog. P10 (10-11-12). Rep from * to end of row. 117 (123-133-139) sts.
With MC, work 2 (2-4-4) rows stocking st.
Shoulder shaping: Cast off 12 (12- 14-15) sts beg next 4 rows, then 11 (13-14-14) sts beg following 2 rows.
Leave rem 47 (49-49-51) sts on a st holder.
With MC and smaller needles cast on 111 (117-127-135) sts.
Work 1½ ins [4 cm] in seed st pat as given for Back ending with RS facing for next row and inc 6 sts evenly across last row. 117 (123-133-139) sts.
Change to C, larger needles and work 3 (5-7-9) rows in stocking st.
Next row: (WS). P7 (13-13-9). *Inc 1 st in next st. P10 (10-11-12). Rep from * to end of row. 127 (133-143- 149) sts.
Rep from ** to ** as given for Back twice.
Neck shaping: Next row: Work Chart I across 56 (58-63-65) sts (neck edge). Turn. Leave rem sts on a spare needle.
Dec 1 st at neck edge on next 16 rows. 40 (42-47-49) sts. Work Chart I to end of chart.
Next row: With MC, knit, dec 5 sts evenly across. 35 (37-42-44) sts.
Work a further 3 (3-5-5) rows
stocking st, ending with RS facing for next row.
Shoulder shaping: Cast off 12 (12- 14-15) sts beg next and following alt row. Work 1 row even. Cast off rem 11 (13-14-14) sts.
With RS facing slip next 15 (17-17- 19) sts onto st holder. Pat to end of row. Dec 1 st at neck edge on next 16 rows. 40 (42-47-49) sts.
Next row: With MC, knit, dec 5 sts evenly across. 35 (37-42-44) sts.
Work a further 4 (4-6-6) rows stocking st, ending with WS facing for next row.
Shoulder shaping: Cast off 12 (12- 14-15) sts beg next and following alt row. Work 1 row even. Cast off rem 11 (13-14-14) sts.
Stripe Pat
With C, work 14 (14-16-16) rows stocking st.
With B, work 4 rows stocking st.
With A, work 4 rows stocking st.
With MC, work 14 (14-16-16) rows stocking st.
With A, work 4 rows stocking st.
With B, work 4 rows stocking st.
These 44 (44-48-48) rows form stripe pat.
With MC and smaller needles cast on 53 (53-57-57) sts.
Work 1½ ins [4 cm] in seed st as given for Back ending with RS facing for next row.
Proceed in stripe pat AT THE SAME TIME inc 1 st each end of needle on 3rd and following 4th rows to 91 (95- 103-103) sts, then every following 6th row to 105 (111-115-115) sts.
Cont even in stripe pat until work from beg measures 17¾ (18¼-18¾- 19¼) ins [45 (46.5-47.5-49) cm] ending with RS facing for next row.
Cast off.
Pin garment pieces to measurements.
Cover with a damp cloth and leave to dry.
Neckband: Sew right shoulder seam.
With RS of work facing, MC and smaller needles, pick up and knit 17 (17-19-19) sts down left front neck edge. K15 (17-17-19) from front st holder dec 2 sts evenly across. Pick up and knit 17 (17-19-19) sts up right front neck edge. K47 (49-49-51) from back st holder dec 1 st at center. 93 (97-101-105) sts.
Work 1½ ins [4 cm] in seed st pat as given for Back. Cast off in pat. Sew left shoulder and neckband seam.
Place markers on front and back side edges 9½ (10-10½-10½) ins [24 (25.5-26.5-26.5) cm] down from shoulder seams. Sew in sleeves between markers. Sew side and sleeve seams.
Read NextTwo Piece Knit Poncho Pattern