(Makes 16 oz)
You can use any combination of salts but I have found half and half with Epsom salts is the best for me
- 1 cup sea salt (fine or course can be found in your grocery store)
- 1 cup Epsom salt
Optional: - 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda
- 1-2 tablespoons of cornstarch
- 2 tsp glycerin (a lot of times can be found in your grocery store)
- 10-12 drops of essential oil or Fragrance oil-the best way to determine how much is enough is if you can smell it without bending down to the bowl you are good.
- Food coloring added a drop at a time until desired color is reached
- Mix all ingredients together.
- Use 1 to 2 cups in the bath, soak and enjoy.