What Do I Need for a New Cat? + 6 DIY Cat Projects
Here's the ULTIMATE list of cat necessities plus loads of fun crafts for your new pet!
You’re thinking about getting a cat? Awesome! You’ve taken the first step toward what will be one of the best adventures of your life! If everyone in the household is on board, and you've got space for a new friend, you're good to go!
Well, you're almost good to go. The next step is super fun: loading up on cat supplies! Of course, this idea might be a little stressful to think about. You might be wondering how to keep your cat happy, or what essentials your cat will need.
Stop worrying! You’ve just found the ultimate cat owner checklist, some great tips & tricks for navigating cat care, AND some great pet crafts your cat will love. So sit back, relax, and read on!
Table of Contents
Cat Essentials
Here is the basic rundown of what you will need to take care of a cat:
- Cat carrier - To bring your new friend home!
- Cat bed - For your cat to snooze in!
- Cat food (dry and/or canned) - How do you find the right food for your cat? I'll get into that later.
- Food and water bowls - These are VERY important!
- Litter box and litter - Accidents are probably inevitable, but hopefully you won't have to clean up too many!
- A brush/comb - To help you minimize shedding!
- First aid supplies - More on this in a bit!
- Cat dander remover spray or shampoo - This will come in handy if someone discovers an allergy!
- Scratching post - Your cat could be up to all kinds of adorable (maybe frustrating) mischief without one of these!
- Cat toys - Loads of fun for your new pal (and you, of course)!
What Do Cats Need to Be Happy?
Now that you have all the basics to keep your cat safe and healthy, let's talk about how to keep a cat happy!
- Exercise! You can help your cat get a fun workout in with toys that encourage running or jumping (catnip and laser pointers can make this a LOT of fun). You could also make puzzles, and let your cat hunt for treats inside. Freeze treats in ice cubes or look for special cat treat toys that will keep your pet's mind sharp!
- Set up a people watching perch! Set up a comfy space by a window where your cat can watch birds, people, or anything else that passes by. It'll be just like watching TV!
- Encourage climbing - in some areas of the house. Your cat will want to jump and climb all over the place. Set up cool climbing perches for them, so they won't want to hop up on the kitchen counters!
- Spay and neuter! Cats can go a little crazy when they’re “in the mood,” and they might even run away while looking for a mate. The ASPCA explains spaying and neutering in depth here, but basically you’ll be cutting back on your pet’s stress and helping control the pet homelessness crisis.
- Most importantly, love your cat! A well loved pet is a happy pet!
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Cat Care 101
You have everything your cat will need. Now what? Here are some tips and tricks for taking care of a cat!
- How do you choose cat food? You'll want to feed your cat twice a day. Start by asking the pet agency what your cat has been eating. If that food works well for your cat, don't worry about changing it up! If your cat doesn't drink much water, consider adding wet/canned food to their diet.
- How do you teach a cat to use the litter box? This may seem tricky, but it doesn't have to be! Place the litter box in a location that's easy for your cat to get to, make sure the cat knows where the box is, and don't forget to clean it!
- Why do you need first aid supplies? Cats have claws and teeth, and they will use them when they're scared, annoyed, or playing. That's nothing to be afraid of! Just keep a few bandages on hand and listen to your cat when they seem upset. Everything will be ok!
6 DIY Cat Projects Your Pet Will Love
If all this stuff your cat will need is a little intimidating to you (or your wallet!), please don’t let that stop you from finding the cat of your dreams. You can save some money and have fun creating your cat’s necessities with these handy DIY pet projects!
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