Snow Basket
This little basket painted with winter images and snowmen makes a great holiday gift or party favor.
DecoArt Products Required
Laurie Speltz's Instant Images
- IIT01 - 3/4 in. Flat Brush
- IIT04 - 4 Flat Brush
- IIT05 - 1 Short Liner Brush
- IIT06 - 3/8 in. Duo Tool
- IIT07 - 1/4 in. Duo Tool
- IIP12 - Build A Snowman Pocket Template
Americana Acrylics
- DAO1 - Snow (Titanium) White
- DAO34 - Lavender
- DAO40 - Williamsburg Blue
- DAO42 - Baby Blue
- DAO64 - Burnt Umber
- DAO67 - Lamp (Ebony) Black
- DA101 - Dioxazine Purple (transparent)
- DA128 - Deep Burgundy
- DA163 - Honey Brown
- DA184 - French Vanilla
- DA228 - Bright Orange
- DA242 - Fawn
Snow Writer
- DS65C - Snow Writer
- Ribbons
- Adhesive
- Permanent ink pens
- Mini basket with lid
- Dilute Honey Brown with to ink consistency and, using 3/4" flat brush, apply wash of color over weave section of basket. (Use 4 flat brush to fit in tight areas.)
- Base lid and handle of basket with Baby Blue. Shade around edge with Williamsburg Blue.
- Base snowmen with Snow White and shade with Fawn. Dry brush cheeks with Deep Burgundy. Add noses with Bright Orange. Eyes and mouths are Lamp Black. Arms are based with Fawn and shaded with Burnt Umber.
- Add scarves. Purple one is based with Lavender and shaded with Dioxazine Purple. Stripes are Snow White. Yellow dots are French Vanilla. Dark dots are Lamp Black and the hearts are Deep Burgundy.
- Blue scarf is based with Williamsburg Blue and shaded with Lamp Black. White lines are Snow White. Purple dots are Lavender.
- Red scarf is based with Deep Burgundy and shaded with Burnt Umber. Lines are Snow White.
- Hat is based in Lamp Black. Highlight top of hat with Snow White. Hatband is Lavender. Add Snow White dots and French Vanilla star.
- Word "Snow" is based with Lavender. Pounce bottom of letters with Lamp Black and top of letters with Snow White. Embellish letters with Snow White heart and dots. Add snowdrifts in Snow White.
- Add Williamsburg Blue stars and Snow White dots in background.
- Add linework with permanent ink pens.
- Attach ribbon to basket.
- Use Snow Writer to add dimension on lid and handle. Let dry.
Helpful Hint
Refer to template and tool packages for additional information on template and tool usage and techniques.
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