Assendelft Memory Frame
Cheerful birds and spring tulips grace this frame; pattern and project designed by Henny Long, Helping Artist.
DecoArt Products Required
Americana Acrylics
- DAO1 - Snow (Titanium) White
- DAO10 - Cadmium Yellow (transparent)
- DAO63 - Burnt Sienna
- DAO67 - Lamp (Ebony) Black
- DA113 - Plantation Pine
- DA132 - Hauser Medium Green
- DA138 - Prussian Blue
- DA144 - Yellow Light
Dazzling Metallics
- DA263 - Splendid Gold --- NEW!!
Americana Brushes
- DBL1580-B - Script Liner 10/0
- DBR2004-B - Round 4
Multi-Purpose Sealer
- DS17 - Multi-Purpose Sealer
Americana Spray Sealers
- DAS13 - Americana Matte Spray
- Fine grit sandpaper
- 6 flat brush
- 1" flat brush
- Water container
- Palette or plastic plate
- Paper towels
- Painter's or masking tape
- Tracing and transfer paper
- 3.5" x 3.5" memory frame, Michael's
- Pattern here
Preparation: Sand surface and wipe with paper towel to remove dust.
1. Basecoat frame with 1" flat brush and Multi-Purpose Sealer. Let dry.
2. Basecoat frame Lamp Black. Let dry, sand surface, and basecoat Lamp Black again.
3. Tape off outside and inner edge with painter's or masking tape. Paint remaining areas Splendid Gold. Let dry.
4. Trace pattern on tracing paper and transfer to frame.
5. Basecoat entire design Snow White.
6. Basecoat all leaves Hauser Medium Green, shade with Plantation Pine, and highlight with Cadmium Yellow. Tint few leaves with Burnt Sienna.
7. Basecoat bird's wing Burnt Sienna. Basecoat bird's body with Burnt Sienna/Snow White mix (very light rosy shade). Shade lower part of beak, below wing, and top of bird's head with Burnt Sienna.
8. Paint medium strokes of Cadmium Yellow on wing. Using same brush, pick up Burnt Sienna and Snow White for tail feathers. Small strokes on chest are Cadmium Yellow; bird's eye is Lamp Black dot.
9. Basecoat tulips Cadmium Yellow and shade with Burnt Sienna. Float Yellow Light on top petal.
10. Paint bluebells with Prussian Blue/Snow White mix. Shade right outside edge with Snow White and apply some touches of Snow White on bottom.
11. Use 10/0 liner brush with Burnt Sienna/Snow White mix (same color as bird's body) for line work on leaves, comma strokes, tulips, and dots. (Some line work is painted with same color mix as bluebells. Refer to photo for placement.) Let dry.
12. When dry, mist with Americana Matte Spray, allowing to dry between coats.
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