Diamond Baby Set
Diamond textured baby's hat, sweater, pants and slippers. Dress your baby in diamonds head to toe with this pattern from Patons!
- Patons Astra (50 g/1.75 oz)
JACKET - Size 6 12 18 24 mos
- Main color (MC) (Blue)
- 3 3 4 4 balls
- Contrast A (White)
- 1 1 1 1 ball
PANTS - Size 6 12 18 24 mos
- (Blue) 3 3 4 4 balls
HAT AND SLIPPERS - Size 6-12 18-24 mos
- Main color (MC) (Blue)
- 1 1 ball
- Contrast A (White)
- 1 1 ball
- Knitting Needles: size 3.75 mm (U.S. 5).
- Circular Knitting Needle: size 3.75 mm (U.S. 5) 70 cm long or size needed to obtain tension.
- Length of ¾ in [2 cm] wide elastic to fit waist measurement for Pants.
Chest measurement
- 6 mos 16 ins [41 cm ]
- 12 mos 18 ins [45 cm ]
- 18 mos 20 ins [51 cm ]
- 24 mos 22 ins [56 cm ]
Finished chest
- 6 mos 22 ins [56 cm ]
- 12 mos 24 ins [61 cm ]
- 18 mos 27 ins [68.5 cm ]
- 24 mos 29½ ins [75 cm ]
24 sts and 32 rows = 4 ins [10 cm] in stocking st.
The instructions are written for smallest size. If changes are necessary for larger sizes the instructions will be written thus ( ).
With MC, cast on 66 (76-80-90) sts.
**1st row: (RS). Purl.
2nd and 3rd rows: Knit.
4th and 5th rows: With A, purl.
6th row: With A, knit.
7th and 8th rows: With MC, knit.
9th and 10th rows: With MC, purl.**
Work Chart I to end of chart reading right side rows from right to left and wrong side rows from left to right, noting 20 st rep will be worked 3 (3-4-4) times.
Rows 1 to 20 of Chart I form pat.
Cont in pat until work from beg measures 9 (9½-10½-12) ins [23 (24-26.5-30.5) cm] ending with RS facing for next row.
Neck shaping: Next row: Pat across 21 (25-27-31) sts (neck edge). Turn. Leave rem sts on a spare needle.
Dec 1 st at neck edge on next 3 rows. 18 (22-24-28) sts.
Work 4 rows even in pat. Cast off.
With RS of work facing slip next 24 (26-26-28) sts from spare needle onto a st holder. Join yarn to rem sts and pat to end of row.
Dec 1 st at neck edge on next 3 rows. 18 (22-24-28) sts. Work 4 rows even in pat. Cast off.
***With MC, cast on 60 (66-76- 82) sts.
Work from ** to ** as given for Back.
Work Chart II to end of chart reading RS rows from right to left and WS rows from left to right noting 20 st rep will be worked 3 (3-3-4) times.
Rows 1 to 20 of Chart II form pat.
Cont in pat until work from beg measures 4 ins [10 cm] ending with RS facing for next row.***
Shape front: Next row: Pat to last 2 sts. Work 2tog (front edge). Dec 1 st at front edge on next and every row until there are 18 (22- 24-28) sts.
Cont even in pat until work from beg measures same length as Back to shoulder ending with RS facing for next row. Cast off.
Work from *** to *** as given for Left Front.
Shape front: Next row: Work 2tog (front edge). Pat to end of row. Dec 1 st at front edge on next and every row until there are 18 (22-24-28) sts.
Cont even in pat until work from beg measures same length as Back to shoulder ending with RS facing for next row. Cast off.
With MC, cast on 36 (38-40-42) sts.
Work from ** to ** as given for Back.
Work Chart III to end of chart reading RS rows from right to left and WS rows from left to right, noting 20 st rep will be worked 1 (1-2-2) time(s) and side inc on 3rd and following alt rows until there are 44 (46-48-50) sts, then on following 4th rows until there are 48 (50-52-54) sts. Chart III pat is now in position.
Cont in pat, inc 1 st each end of needle on every following 4th row until there are 58 (62-64-70) sts, taking inc sts into pat.
Cont even in pat until work from beg measures 5 (5½-6¼-7) ins [12.5 (14-16-18) cm]. Cast off.
Side Edging: Sew shoulder seams. With right side of Left Front facing and MC, pick up and knit 24 sts along straight side edge.
1st row: (WS). Knit.
2nd and 3rd rows: Purl.
4th and 5th rows: With A, knit.
6th row: With A, purl.
7th and 8th rows: With MC, purl.
9th and 10th rows: With MC, knit. Cast off.
Rep along Right Front straight side edge.
Neck Edging: With RS of Left Front facing, MC and circular needle, beg at top of side edging, pick up and knit 58 (64-71-81) sts along diagonal front edge and 8 sts down Left Back neck edge. Knit across 24 (26-26-28) sts from Back st holder. Pick up and knit 8 sts up Right Back neck edge and 58 (64-71-81) sts along diagonal front edge and across top of side edging. 156 (170-184-206) sts.
Do not join. Working back and forth across needle, proceed as follows:
Work 1st to 10th rows as given for Side Edging. Cast off.
Place markers on Front and Back side edges 4¾ (5-5¼-5¾) ins [12 (12.5-13-14.5) cm] down from shoulder seams. Sew in sleeves between markers. Sew side and sleeve seams.
Twisted cord: (make 8). Cut 2 lengths of MC 17 ins [43 cm] long. With 2 strands tog hold one end and with someone holding other end twist strands to the right until they begin to curl. Fold the 2 ends tog and tie in a knot so they will not unravel. The strands will now twist themselves tog.
Attach one twisted cord to lower right front edge of Jacket and one cord 4 ins [10 cm] above this.
Attach another 2 cords to side seam of Jacket to correspond.
Attach rem cords on opposite side of Jacket, placing 2 side seam cords on inside of Jacket.
RIGHT LEG (beg at waist).
**With MC, cast on 71 (75-75-83) sts.
1st row: (RS). K1. *P1. K1. Rep from * to end of row.
2nd row: P1. *K1. P1. Rep from * to end of row.
Rep these 2 rows (K1. P1) ribbing for 2¼ ins [5.5 cm] ending on a 2nd row and inc 1 st in centre of last row. 72 (76-76-84) sts.**
Proceed as follows:
Shape back: 1st and 2nd rows: K9. Turn. Sl1P. Purl to end of row.
3rd and 4th rows: K18. Turn. Sl1P. Purl to end of row.
5th and 6th rows: K27. Turn. Sl1P. Purl to end of row.
7th and 8th rows: K36. Turn. Sl1P. Purl to end of row.
9th and 10th rows: K45. Turn. Sl1P. Purl to end of row.
Note: To avoid a hole when knitting a slipped st, pick up the st below the slipped st and slip it onto left-hand needle. Knit this st tog with the slipped st above.
***Work Chart I to end of chart reading RS rows from right to left and WS rows from left to right, noting 20 st rep will be worked 3 (3-3-4) times.
Rows 1 to 20 of Chart I form pat.
Cont in chart pat until work from centre front measures 7¾ (8-8½-9¼) ins [19.5 (20.5-21.5-23.5) cm] ending with RS facing for next row.
Shape crotch: Keeping cont of pat, inc 1 st each end of next and following alt row. Cast on 3 (2-4-4) sts beg next 2 rows. 82 (84-88-96) sts.
Work 4 rows even in pat.
Shape inseam: Dec 1 st each end of needle on next and following 4th rows until there are 70 (84-84-92) sts, then on every following 6th row until there are 62 (68-72-74) sts.
Cont even until work from last cast on at crotch measures 7 (7½-8-9) ins [18 (19-20.5-23) cm] ending with RS facing for next row.
Work 10 rows garter st (knit every row). Cast off.***
LEFT LEG (beg at waist)
Work from ** to ** as given for Right Leg.
Proceed as follows noting that the first row is WS:
Shape back: 1st and 2nd rows: P9. Turn. Sl1K. Knit to end of row.
3rd and 4th rows: P18. Turn. Sl1K. Knit to end of row.
5th and 6th rows: P27. Turn. Sl1K. Knit to end of row.
7th and 8th rows: P36. Turn. Sl1K. Knit to end of row.
9th and 10th rows: P45. Turn. Sl1K. Knit to end of row.
Note: To avoid a hole when purling a slipped st, pick up the st below the slipped st and slip it onto left hand needle. Purl this st tog with the slipped st above.
Next row: Purl across all sts.
Work from *** to *** as given for Right Leg.
Pin garment pieces to measurements. Cover with a damp cloth leaving to dry. Sew shoulder seams. Sew inseams. Sew crotch seam. Fold waistband in half to WS and sew loosely in position leaving an opening to insert elastic. Sew ends of elastic tog securely. Sew opening of waistband closed.
With MC, cast on 96 (112) sts.
Work from ** to ** as given for Back of Jacket.
Work Chart IV to end of chart reading RS rows from right to left and WS rows from left to right noting 16 st rep will be worked 6 (7) times.
Next row: Purl.
Next row: Knit, inc 1 st at centre. 97 (113) sts.
Shape top: 1st row: (RS). K1. *K2tog. K10 (12). Rep from * to end of row. 89 (105) sts.
2nd row: Purl.
3rd row: K1. *K2tog. K9 (11). Rep from * to end of row. 81 (97) sts.
4th row: Purl.
Cont in this manner, dec 8 sts evenly across next and following alt rows until 17 sts rem. Break yarn leaving a long end. Draw end through rem sts and fasten securely.
Sew centre back seam. Make pom-pon as given for Slippers and sew to top of Hat.
With MC cast on 15 (19) sts. Proceed in garter st (knit every row), inc 1 st each end of needle on 2nd and every alt row 5 (7) times more. 27 (35) sts.
Knit 1 row.
Cont in garter st, dec 1 st each end of needle on next and every alt row 5 (7) times more. 15 (19) sts.
Next row: Knit. Turn. Cast on 7 (8) sts (heel). 22 (27) sts.
Knit 1 row.
Inc 1 st at beg of next and every alt row 4 (5) times more. 27 (33) sts.
Knit 2 rows.
Next row: Cast off 15 (17) sts. Knit to last st. Inc 1 st in last st. 13 (17) sts.
Knit 10 rows.
Next row: K2tog. Knit to end of row. Turn. Cast on 15 (17) sts. 27 (33) sts.
Knit 1 row.
Dec 1 st at beg of next and every alt row 4 (5) times more. 22 (27) sts. Cast off.
Sew centre back heel seam. Fold Slipper in half and sew all edges tog, easing in seam at point of toe.
Sew 7 (8) sts of cast on edge and last 7 (8) sts of cast off edge to sole at back of Slipper.
Make pom-pon
Wind MC around 3 fingers approx 75 times. Remove from fingers and tie tightly in centre. Cut through each side of loops. Trim to a smooth round shape. Sew to Slipper as illustrated.
Read NextBaby Wrap Jacket