Garden on the Go
In this lesson, you’ll paint a picturesque garden cart filled with flowers and pumpkins. This scene is perfect for practicing rich color transitions, from warm oranges to refreshing yellow-greens and mysterious purples. You’ll also learn how to combine colors to create a voluminous effect on greenery and pumpkins, giving your artwork liveliness and dynamics. Let’s start!
Materials List
Paint Colors
- Permanent Lemon Yellow
- Azo Orange
- Quinacridone Rose
- Burnt Sienna
- Yellow Ochre
- Dioxazine Purple
- Sap Green
- Cerulean Blue
- Ultramarine Deep
Use a pencil to draw a horizontal line below the middle area of the paper. Above it, draw a line slanted to the right and add thickness. This will be the base of the cart. Below the base, draw a line downward on the left and add thickness. In the middle area of the base, draw a rectangle (the basket of the cart) that is also slanted like the base. Add a line on the left side of the rectangle. Above the basket, draw flowers with a wavy line in the shape of a cloud. Great! Next, draw the cart’s wheel. On the right side of the base, draw a small circle, then a larger circle. In the lower left part next to the cart, draw two slightly angled circles overlapping each other. These will be the sweet pumpkins.
With the pencil, add wavy lines for the details of the flowers and foliage. On the rectangle on the left side of the basket, draw two small circles (nails). Draw the thickness of the wheel’s large circle and diagonal lines inside for the spokes. Draw grass below the cart with short zigzag lines. Add a bit more grass under the wheel and under the pumpkins. Draw oval-like segments and stems on top of the pumpkins with curved lines.
Use a black waterproof liner to outline the flowers and foliage with a wavy, interrupted line, adding random dots, small doodles and circles in the lower part of the greenery. Also outline the grass with a zig - zag line, slightly overlapping the wheel and pumpkins. Outline all details of the cart and pumpkins with a simple line. Erase the pencil.
Add Permanent Lemon Yellow, Azo Orange and Quinacridone Rose to your palette. Start with small, random strokes of Permanent Lemon Yellow on the upper part of the flowers, gradually adding Azo Orange and only slightly mixing the colors. Continue downward with small, random strokes, adding Quinacridone Rose to the Azo Orange. Play with the colors. I’m sure you will do great!
Now mix Azo Orange with water to get a light orange color and paint the upper part of the pumpkins, leaving areas of white paper. Add dark Azo Orange and Burnt Sienna toward the lower part of the pump - kins. Add Yellow Ochre and Dioxazine Purple to the palette. Mix a light ochre color using water and paint the left side of the cart, adding Quinacridone Rose toward the center and Dioxazine Purple under the flowers. Try to create smooth transitions between colors. Paint the wheel with the light ochre and a light shade of purple, also blending them smoothly. Paint the pump - kin stems with light ochre. -
Mix Permanent Lemon Yellow and Sap Green in equal proportions to get a yellowgreen color. Paint the foliage under the flowers with this yellow-green, occasionally leaving white paper spots. While the paper is wet, add small separate Sap Green strokes over the greenery and flowers. Mix Cerulean Blue with water to get a light blue. Begin painting the grass under the cart, gradually adding yellow-green and Ultramarine Deep at the very bottom to create smooth color transitions. Start painting the grass under the wheel and the pumpkins with small yellow-green strokes, occasionally adding Yellow Ochre and light green. Add Sap Green next to the pumpkins. Perfect! Wait for the paper to dry.
Use the black liner to make the outlines of the cart and pumpkins bolder in some areas. Add several random dots on the basket. Add small, quick zigzag hatches to the grass to make it more expressive. Add more zigzags under the cart and around the pumpkins. With a white gel pen, draw dots and short lines on the flowers, greenery, cart and grass. Add lines next to the outline on the basket and wheel. Also draw white grass lines under the wheel. Add white lines on the pumpkin segments.
That was great! Our sketch is ready!
Credit Line:
Reprinted with permission from Ink and Watercolor by Anastasia Kozlova. Page Street Publishing Co. 2024. Artwork credit: Anastasia Koslova.
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