
Corgi means “dwarf dog” in Welsh and seems to be a fitting name for this compact dog breed. They’re the smallest of all the herding dogs, measuring only 10 to 13 inches (25 to 33 cm) in height. Corgis are among the smartest dogs and enjoy mental stimulation like puzzle toys.
Start your corgi drawing with an arch for the top of the head and a large ear on each side.
Draw the inner ear, including a few zigzags to show fur.
Sketch the rest of the oval-shaped face, adding that same fur texture on the sides.
Draw a jagged “v” shape for the furry chest, then add curving lines for the back and two legs.
Continue drawing the other front leg and a pair of front paws.
Give your corgi a back paw, then connect the paws to form the lower body.
Add a tiny tail, along with a face.
Divide the face into three sections, using two “w” shapes, then color your dog.
Reprinted with permission from Doodle All the Animals by Amy Latta. Page Street Publishing Co. 2024. Illustrations by Amy Latta.