Cable Cardigan with Hood
This cardigan from Bernat Yarns will keep you cozy with its large floppy hood. The cable that runs consistently throughout the sweater has a celtic inspiration. For intermediate skill level.
- Bernat® Super Value (197 g/7 oz/389 m/426 yds) or Bernat® Berella 4
(100 g/3.5 oz/197 m/216 yds) or Bernat® Satin (100 g/3.5 oz/149 m/163 yds)- Size XS/S: 1130 m/1235 yds
- Size M: 1225 m/1340 yds
- Size L: 1320 m/1445 yds
- Size XL: 1410 m/1540 yds
- Size 2/3XL: 1510 m/1650 yds
- Size 4/5XL: 1700 m/1860 yds
- Knitting Needles: sizes 5 mm (U.S. 8) and 5.5 mm (U.S. 9) or size needed to obtain gauge.
- Cable needle.
- 3 st holders.
- Separating zipper.
To fit bust measurement
- Extra-Small/Small
- 28-34 ins [71-86.5 cm]
- Medium
- 36-38 ins [91.5-96.5 cm]
- Large
- 40-42 ins [101.5-106.5 cm]
- Extra-Large
- 44-46 ins [112-117 cm]
- 2/3 Extra-Large
- 48-54 ins [122-137 cm]
- 4/5 Extra-Large
- 56-62 ins [142-157.5 cm]
Finished bust
- X-Small/Small 36½ ins [92.5 cm]
- Medium 40½ ins [103 cm]
- Large 44 ins [112 cm]
- X-Large 48 ins [122 cm]
- 2/3 X-Large 57½ ins [146 cm]
- 4/5 X-Large 65 ins [165 cm]
17 sts and 24 rows = 4 ins [10 cm] with larger needles in stocking st.
Alt = Alternate.
Beg = Beginning.
C4B = Slip next 2 stitches onto a cable needle and leave at back of work. K2, then K2 from cable needle.
C4F = Slip next 2 stitches onto a cable needle and leave at front of work. K2, then K2 from cable needle.
Cont = Continue(ity).
Dec = Decrease.
Inc = Increase 1 stitch by knitting into front and back of next stitch.
K = Knit.
K2tog = Knit next 2 stitches together.
M1 = Make 1 stitch by picking up horizontal loop lying before next stitch and knitting into back of loop.
P = Purl.
Pat = Pattern.
Psso = Pass slipped stitch over.
Rem = Remaining.
Rep = Repeat.
RS = Right side.
Sl1 = Slip next stitch knitwise.
St(s) = Stitch(es).
T3L = Slip next 2 stitches onto a cable needle and leave at front of work. P1, then K2 from cable needle.
T3R = Slip next stitch onto a cable needle and leave at back of work. K2, then P1 from cable needle.
T4L = Slip next 2 stitches onto a cable needle and leave at front of work. P2, then K2 from cable needle.
T4R = Slip next 2 stitches onto a cable needle and leave at back of work. K2, then P2 from cable needle.
WS = Wrong side.
The instructions are written for smallest size. If changes are necessary for larger sizes the instructions will be written thus ( ). When only one number is given, it applies to all sizes. For ease in working, circle all numbers pertaining to your size.
Panel Pat (worked over 20 sts) (see chart).
1st row: (RS). (P4. C4B) twice. P4.
2nd and alt rows: Knit all knit sts and purl all purl sts as they appear.
3rd row: P2. T4R. T4L. T4R. T3L. P3.
5th row: P2. K2. P4. C4F. P3. T3L. P2.
7th row: P2. T4L. T4R. T4L. P2. K2. P2.
9th row: P4. C4B. P4. (K2. P2) twice.
11th row: P2. T4R. T4L. T4R. P2. K2. P2.
13th row: P2. K2. P4. C4F. P3. T3R. P2.
15th row: P2. T4L. T4R. T4L. T3R. P3.
17th row: As 1st row.
19th row: P3. T3R. T4L. T4R. T4L. P2.
21st row: P2. T3R. P3. C4F. P4. K2. P2.
23rd row: P2. K2. P2. T4R. T4L. T4R. P2.
25th row: (P2. K2) twice. P4. C4B. P4.
27th row: P2. K2. P2. T4L. T4R. T4L. P2.
29th row: P2. T3L. P3. C4F. P4. K2. P2.
31st row: P3. T3L. T4R. T4L. T4R. P2.
32nd row: As 2nd row.
These 32 rows form Panel Pat.
With smaller needles, cast on 78 (86- 94-102-122-138) sts.
1st row: (RS). K2. *P2. K2. Rep from * to end of row.
2nd row: P2. *K2. P2. Rep from * to end of row.
Rep last 2 rows of (K2. P2) ribbing until work from beg measures 6 ins [15 cm], ending with a WS row.
Change to larger needles and beg with a knit row, cont even in stocking st until work from beg measures 13 ins [33 cm], ending with a purl row.
Shape armholes: Cast off 6 (7-8-10- 15-18) sts beg next 2 rows. 66 (72-78- 82-92-102) sts.
Sizes 2/3XL and 4/5XL only: Dec 1 st at each end of next (6-8) rows. (80-86) sts.
All sizes: Dec 1 st each end of next and every following alt row 4 (5-6-7-5-7) times. 56 (60-64-66-68-70) sts.
Cont even until armholes measure 7¾ (8-8½-9-10-10½) ins [19.5 (20.5-21.5- 23-25.5-26.5) cm], ending with a purl row.
Shape shoulders: Cast off 6 (7-7-8-8- 8) sts beg next 2 rows, then 5 (6-7- 7-7-8) sts beg following 2 rows. Leave rem 34 (34-36-36-38-38) sts on a st holder.
With smaller needles, cast on 48 (52- 56-60-72-80) sts.
1st row: (RS). (K2. P2) 6 (7-8-9-12- 14) times. K2. Work 1st row of Panel Pat. K2.
2nd row: K2. Work 2nd row of Panel Pat. (P2. K2) 6 (7-8-9-12-14) times. P2.
Panel Pat, garter st edging and ribbing are now in position.
Keeping cont of pat, cont in (K2. P2) ribbing until work from beg measures 6 ins [15 cm], ending with a WS row.
Sizes L and XL only: Next row: K11. Inc 1 st in next st. K13. Inc 1 st in next st. K(8-12). Pat to end of row. (58-62) sts.
Next row: Pat across next 22 sts. Purl to end of row.
All sizes: Keeping cont of Panel Pat and garter st edging, proceed in stocking st until work from beg measures 13 ins [33 cm], ending with a WS row.
Note: Measure length of work over stocking st.
Shape armhole: Keeping cont of pat, cast off 6 (7-8-10-15-18) sts beg next row. 42 (45-50-52-57-62) sts.
Work 1 row even.
Sizes 2/3XL and 4/5XL only: Dec 1 st at armhole edge on next (6-8) rows. (51-54) sts.
All sizes: Dec 1 st at beg of next and every following alt row 4 (5-6-7-5-7) times. 37 (39-43-44-45-46) sts.
Cont even in pat until armhole measures same length as Back to beg of shoulder shaping, ending with a WS row.
Shape shoulder: Cast off 6 (7-7-8-8- 8) sts beg next row, then 5 (6-7-7-7-8) sts beg following alt row. Work 1 row even. Leave rem 26 (26-29-29-30-30) sts on a st holder.
With smaller needles, cast on 48 (52- 56-60-72-80) sts.
1st row: (RS). K2. Work 17th row of Panel Pat. (K2. P2) 6 (7-8-9-12-14) times. K2.
2nd row: (P2. K2) 6 (7-8-9-12-14) times. P2. Work 18th row of Panel Pat. K2. Panel Pat, garter st edging and ribbing are now in position.
Keeping cont of pat, proceed in (K2. P2) ribbing until work from beg measures 6 ins [15 cm], ending with a WS row.
Sizes L and XL only: Next row: Pat across next 22 sts. K(9-13). Inc 1 st in next st. K13. Inc 1 st in next st. Knit to end of row. (58-62) sts.
Next row: Purl to last 22 sts. Pat to end of row.
All sizes: Keeping cont of Panel Pat and garter st edging, cont in stocking st until work from beg measures 13 ins [33 cm], ending with a RS row.
Shape armhole: Keeping cont of pat, cast off 6 (7-8-10-15-18) sts beg next row. 42 (45-50-52-57-62) sts.
Sizes 2/3XL and 4/5XL only: Dec 1 st at armhole edge on next (6-8) rows. (51-54) sts.
All sizes: Dec 1 st at end of next and every following alt row 4 (5-6-7-5-7) times. 37 (39-43-44-45-46) sts.
Cont even in pat until armhole measures same length as Back to beg of shoulder shaping, ending with a RS row.
Shape shoulder: Cast off 6 (7-7-8-8- 8) sts beg next row, then 5 (6-7-7-7-8) sts beg following alt row. Leave rem 26 (26-29-29-30-30) sts on a st holder.
With smaller needles, cast on 42 (42- 42-46-46-46) sts.
1st row: (RS). K2. *P2. K2. Rep from * to end of row.
2nd row: P2. *K2. P2. Rep from * to end of row.
Rep last 2 rows of (K2. P2) ribbing until work from beg measures 7 ins [18 cm], ending with a WS row.
Change to larger needles and proceed in stocking st, inc 1 st each end of 5th and every following 8th (8th-6th-6th- 4th-2nd) row 2 (5-5-6-9-2) times, then every following 10th (10th-8th-8th- 6th-4th) row 5 (3-5-4-5-15) times. 58 (60-64-68-76-82) sts.
Cont even until work from beg measures 21 (21½-21½-21-20½-20) ins [53.5 (54.5-54.5-53.5-52-51) cm], ending with a purl row.
Shape top: Cast off 5 (5-6-8-11-13) sts beg next 2 rows. 48 (50-52-52-54-56) sts.
Dec 1 st each end of needle on next and every following alt row 12 (13-14-16- 19-20) times, then every row 7 (7- 7-5-3-3) times. Cast off rem 8 sts.
Pin garment pieces to measurements. Cover with a damp cloth, leaving cloth to dry.
Hood: Sew shoulder seams.
With RS of work facing and larger needles, pat across 26 (26-29-29-30- 30) sts from right front st holder. Place marker on needle. K34 (34-36-36-38- 38) from back st holder. Pat across 26 (26-29-29-30-30) sts from left front st holder. 86 (86-94-94-98-98) sts.
Work 1 row even in pat.
Next row: (RS). Pat to marker. M1. K34 (34-36-36-38-38). M1. Pat to end of row.
Next row:Work even in pat.
Rep last 2 rows 9 (9-5-5-3-3) times more. 106 sts.
Cont even in pat until Hood measures 12 ins [30.5 cm], ending with a WS row.
Shape top: 1st row: Pat across 51 sts. Sl1. K1. psso. Place marker on needle. K2tog. Pat to end of row.
2nd row:Work even in pat.
3rd row: Pat to 2 sts before marker. Sl1. K1. psso. K2tog. Pat to end of row.
Rep 2nd and 3rd rows 7 times more, then 2nd row once. Cast off rem 88 sts.
Fold cast off edge of Hood in half and sew top seam. Sew in Sleeves. Sew side and sleeve seams, reversing seam for last 4 ins [10 cm] for cuff turn back. Sew in zipper.
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Jul 23, 2010
Beautiful cardigan! I just love cables... It resembles another pattern that I like very much, Cardigan for Arwen. Thanks for this nice project!

Country Knitter
Jan 29, 2010
I have just finished this hooded cardigan an I just love it!! The only thing I wasn't able to do an that was the zipper. But, a family member does sewing an she has since installed it. It's Beautiful!!!!!!!!

Member 20350
Oct 04, 2009
This sweater is so beautiful! I hope it goes fast. I can't wait to wear it.

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