Paracord Outdoor Gear Projects
Paracord Outdoor Gear Projects
Gifted by Design Originals
Reviewed by Molly Fletcher, Editor,
Strong, durable, and lightweight, parachute cord was made for outdoor activities. Whether you're heading up to the lake for a weekend camping trip or plan to spend an afternoon hiking in your local forest preserve, you'll find the ideas in Paracord Outdoor Gear Projects useful and fun.
Just because paracord is a popular survival tool doesn't mean it's all business. Today, paracord comes in many colors and patterns, so you can find a material that suits your personal style. Paracord Outdoor Gear Projects includes ideas for wearable crafts like lanyards and survival bracelets. The step-by-step instructions are accompanied by photos, so novice crafters can get a handle on these patterns.
Crack open Paracord Outdoor Gear Projects and prepare for whatever Mother Nature has in store by making a survival bracelet. Adventurers claim that these simple bracelets can save lives, and that's no exaggeration. A survival bracelet can be used as a shoelace, trail marker, snare, or tourniquet. Using a simple knotting technique, you can whip up several of these bracelets in no time, so there's no excuse for being caught unprepared on your next excursion.
Paracord Outdoor Gear Projects contains twelve projects including a breakaway lanyard, water bottle holder, belt, and utility strap, but this book offers so much more. Author Joel Hooks, a former Boy Scout and current manager at the world's leading paracord manufacturer, devotes the opening pages to ropecrafting tips and tricks. By the time you're finished working your way through Paracord Outdoor Gear Projects, you'll feel like an expert, too.
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