Alpine Crochet Blanket Pattern


Alpine Crochet Blanket Pattern

Alpine Crochet Blanket Pattern
Alpine Crochet Blanket Pattern

"Have you heard of the gorgeous alpine stitch? I love how it’s a combination of two very simple stitches and gives such a beautiful texture. If you’re a beginner and find complex stitches to be a challenge, this is a great one to try after your basics. And you can make so much with it! I’ve used it in everything from squares and bookmarks to stockings and plant cozies. This pattern has been provided to you for free on this website. However, it may be easier and more enjoyable to purchase a beautifully-designed, ad-free pattern. You may print it or save it in your digital files for later use."


Crochet HookH/8 or 5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Crochet Gauge17 stitches and 16 rows in 4” x 4” inch square

Stitch used: A swatch of repeats of Rows 1-8

Finished SizeApproximately 50″ x 5″ (127×12.7 cm) depending on tension

Materials List

  • Yarn
  • Hook

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