How to Make a Burnt Brown Bag Butterfly
Using an old-school technique, you can create your own vintage jewelry crafts. Learn how to make a Burnt Brown Bag Butterfly using discards you already have on hand. Add a chain to your butterfly and turn it into a funky and fun necklace.
Make your own butterfly after a trip to the grocery store and you won't need to search for materials! Cut two equal-sized pieces from a single bag and trace a butterfly on one of them. Squeeze Aleene's Tacky Glue on to the other piece and spread it out using a sqeegee or old credit card. Stick a piece of wire in between the two brown bag pieces and adhere all of the parts together. After a few minutes, cut out the butterfly shape from the bag and then let the piece sit overnight. For the burnt bag technique, cover the brown paper in Aleene's Tacky Glue and, using the wire, hold the butterfly over an open candle flame. Allow the piece to sit for several hours and then gently wipe away the soot to reveal a smooth, shiny surface.
For a step-by-step photo tutorial of this project, check out Look of Vintage Butterfly Necklace.