Striped Crochet Afghan


Striped Crochet Afghan

Use this beginner crochet pattern by Roseanna Beck to make a lovely baby blanket.  Brighten up any nursery with colors of you choosing.

SIZE: 36” x 36”


335 yds. White Red Heart 4-ply yarn (MC)
185 yds. Pale Green Red Heart 4-ply yarn (A)
185 yds. Maize Red Heart 4-ply yarn (B)
G and H hooks or size needed for guage

GAUGE: With H hook 3 V St – 2 ¼”
3 V St rows and 1 sc row – 2 ¼”


Chain (ch), Single Crochet (sc), Double Crochet (dc), Slip Stitch (sl st)
Pattern Stitch: V St – dc, ch 1, dc

Row 1 – With H hook and MC ch 136, dc in 5th ch from hook, ch 1, dc in same ch, *skip 2 ch,
V St in next ch, rep from * across until last 2 ch, skip 1 ch, dc in last ch, ch 3 and turn.
(44 V Sts)
Row 2 – V St in each V St across and dc in last dc, ch 3 and turn.
Row 3 – V St in each V St across and dc in last dc, ch 1 and turn.
Row 4 – Sc in first dc and in each st across, fasten off and turn. (134 sc)
Row 5 – With A sl st in first sc, ch 2, skip 1 sc, *V St in next sc, skip 2 sc, rep from * across, dc
in last sc.
Rep Rows 5, 2, 3, 4 as follows:
MC, A, B, MC, A, B, MC, A, B, MC, A, B, MC, A, B, MC


Rnd 1 – With G hook and MC starting at upper top right edge, (sc, ch 1, sc, ch 1, sc) in first sc,
ch 1, skip 1 sc, *sc in next sc, ch 2, skip 2 sc, rep from * across, ch 1, (sc, ch 1, sc, ch 1,
sc) in last sc, work along side edge ch 1, *sc in dc, ch 2, sc in next dc, rep from * across,
ch 1, (sc, ch 1, sc, ch 1, sc) in dc of bottom edge, rep across bottom edge as for top, rep
across opposite side edge, join to beg sc, sl st to first corner sp.
Rnd 2 – Work along top edge ( sc, ch 3, dc, sc) in corner sc, (sl st, ch 3, dc) in each ch 2 sp across
ending (sc, ch 3, dc, sc) in corner sc, work along side edge (sc, ch 2, sc) in each ch 2 sp,
rep along bottom edge as for top edge, rep along opposite side edge, join to beg sc and
fasten off.

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I simply wish to comment that I wish everyone when submitting a pattern for us that they would include the hook size in mm for those of us for instance in Canada, who go by mm not for example the sizes indicated in this pattern. Every time when it is not included I have to look up my chart & find the hook size myself. Sometimes it is an inconvenience. When everyone knows other countries have different sizes they go by, it seems only considerate to me. Thank You.

V-stitch is one of my all-time fav stitches. It feels so good after it's been worked. I only wish the images of the patterns were clickable so it would be easy for these "old eyes" to view.


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