Comfortable Pocket Cardigan


Comfortable Pocket Cardigan


This slouchy cardigan with flattering v-neck and low pockets will quickly become your new favorite sweater. Use this free sweater knitting pattern to knit up the cardigan quickly with bulky yarn.  Comfy and cozy, you could work up this Comfortable Pocket Cardigan in all your favorite colors and have one to wear on cooler fall days.  Modeled after the popular boyfriend sweater, this pattern is great for girls of all shapes and sizes and is the perfect sweater to take on the go.

Comfortable Pocket Cardigan

Sizes: XS (S, M, L, XL, 2X)

  • 7 (8, 9, 10, 11, 12) balls Harmony™ yarn in Peridot
  • US 10-1/2 (6.5mm) and 11 (8mm) knitting needles
  • Stitch holder
  • Yarn needle
  • 5 buttons


Gauge:  12 sts and 16 rows = 4" with larger needles. Use any size needles necessary to obtain specified gauge.


Finished Bust Measurements:  32 (36, 40, 44, 48, 52)"




  1. With smaller needles, cast on 48 (56, 60, 68, 72, 80) sts. Work in k2, p2 ribbing for 8 rows.
  2. Change to larger needles and beg with a knit (RS) row, work in St st until piece measures 14-3/4 (15-1/4, 15-3/4, 16-1/4, 16-3/4, 17-1/4)" from beg.

Underarm Shaping

  1. Bind off 4 (6, 6, 8, 8, 10) sts at beg of next 2 rows – 40 (44, 48, 52, 56, 60) sts.
  2. Work even until piece measures 22-3/4 (23-3/4, 24-3/4, 25-3/4, 26-3/4, 27-3/4)" from beg, ending with a RS row.

Shoulder Shaping

  1. Bind off 10 (12, 12, 14, 14, 16) at beg of next 2 rows for shoulders. Bind off 20 (20, 24, 24, 28, 28) sts for back neck.


Right Front

  1. With smaller needles, cast on 24 (28, 30, 34, 36, 40) sts. Work in k2, p2 ribbing for 8 rows.
  2. Change to larger needles.

Establish Button Band

  1. Row 9 (RS): K2, bind off 2 sts, p2, knit to end of row.
  2. Row 10: Purl to last 6 sts, k2, cast on 2 sts over gap, k2.
  3. Rep Rows 9 and 10 for buttonholes 4 more times every 3 (3, 3-1/4, 3-1/4, 3-1/2, 3-1/2, )", working the 2 buttonhole sts in St st in between.
  4. Work even until piece measures 14-3/4 (15-1/4, 15-3/4, 16-1/4, 16-3/4, 17-1/4)" from beg.

Underarm and Neck Shaping

  1. Shape underarm as for Back; at the same time, continue working band as established and dec 1 st (after working the band to maintain band throughout) every 2 rows 6 (5, 8, 7, 10, 9) times, then every 4 rows 4 (5, 4, 5, 4, 5) times – 10 (12, 12, 14, 14, 16) sts.
  2. Work even in St st until piece measures 22-3/4 (23-3/4, 24-3/4, 25-3/4, 26-3/4, 27-3/4)".

Shoulder Shaping

  1. Work same as Back.


Left Front

  1. Work same as Right Front, reversing shaping and omitting buttonholes.


Sleeve (Make 2)

  1. With smaller needles, cast on 24 (28, 28, 32, 32, 36) sts. Work in k2, p2 ribbing for 8 rows.
  2. Change to larger needles and St st, beg with a knit row (RS).

Begin Sleeve Shaping

  1. Inc 1 st each end of row every 6 rows 11 (10, 13, 12, 14, 14) times, then every 8 rows 1 (2, 0, 1, 0, 0) times – 48 (52, 54, 58, 60, 64) sts.
  2. Work even in St st until piece measures 21 (21- 1/2, 22-1/4, 22-3/4, 23-1/4, 23-3/4)" or desired length to underarm. Bind off.


Pocket (make two)

  1. Using larger needles, pick up 15 (17, 17, 21, 23, 25) sts, 1-1/2 (1-3/4, 2, 2-1/4, 2-1/2, 2-3/4)" in from front edge, immediately above the ribbing.
  2. Work even in St st until piece measures 5 (5-1/2, 6, 6-1/2, 7, 7-3/4)" from beg. Work in k2, p2 ribbing for 4 rows. Bind off loosely. Sew sides of Pockets to sweater.



  1. Lightly block all pieces, avoiding ribbing. Sew each shoulder seam. Set in sleeves, sew side and sleeve seams. Sew buttons opposite buttonholes.
  2. Weave in ends.

Cardigan Chart1

Cardigan Chart2

Up Next:

25 Free Knitted Sweater Patterns for Women

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Is this a womans sized pattern?? Cast on stitches seem to indicate a girls size. Love the pattern but I want an adult size. thanks

I have tried to contact them no reply I guess no one knows what they are doing

@sunshine3762 sorry about that. You could also ask our active Facebook community if they have tried the pattern. Happy knitting! -Kaylee, Editor of

I just started the right front and I am not doing the buttonholes what do I do next? This pattern is not making sense

@sunshine3762 14949 55 For specific questions about a pattern, we suggest you reach out to the designer. In this case, Premier Yarns. You can find their website here:

I've just recently saved this pattern. What brand of yarn is the harmony used in this pattern?

Hi lquerry! This project uses Premier Yarn. Hope that helps! Kaylee, Editor of

I am a beginning knitter and can't figure out which way to put the yarn when I put the button holes in. Do I cast off with a pearl wise or knit wise or does it matter? Help

For the ribbing I finish the Cardigan WITHOUT the finishing Band I take LONG CIRCULAR NEEDLES take in Stitches and go from front to back and front On one side I make Button holes by yarn over knit together or for bigger holes knit together yarn over twice and lift one stitch knit one and loop over the lifted Stitch In the back row I knit stitches out of the yarn over Stitch This makes a nice Edge and finishes off the Cardigan For the Pockets I work them in by finish with a ribbing and CAST OFF In the back row I cast on the stitches I cast off and just finish the piece Where you have now a slit I take all the stitches who are cast off and work them down to the ribbing and sew them with invisible stitches with a blunt needle and also connect toRead More the sides from the back It looks very Professional

I just got this pattern in my email and cannot find the "Harmony" yarn called for. I want to use a subsitute yarn but need to see this yarn to compare. Please give me a website for it. Thanks

I adapted this to have a finished back neck. When you reach the final inch of back, take center sts and work in k2, p2 ribbing for final inch. When you sew the fronts to the back, it should have a finished look. Since the front bands are obviously ribbing, this is how I thought to finish this. I also eliminated the buttonholes, since I rarely ever button my sweaters. Hope this helps. Thank you.

The back of the neck looks terrible . the button band should have been added some how. very disappointed.

I finished the sweater and was very disappointed. The new instructions regarding the back neck say to bind off. It looks terrible. The button band should have been carried out for the back of the neck.

I'm having difficulty with the button band. Would you explain it more thoroughly?

This pattern has been updated as of 31, the "holder instruction" has been removed. Thanks! -The FaveCrafts Team

Hello, I have the same questions as the 2 other people. What do we do with the back stiches on a holder? Also the button band does not make sense. Could you explain it again. Thanks, Marie

I have the same question as the previous reader. Instructions state to place back stitches on a holder but do not explain how to finish the back. Also for the button band - the instructions begin with row 9 (nine). How is the band established. Does the bank include 6 stitches k2 P2 K2? Please send response ASAP. Thanks

What do I do w the back stiches that were placed on a holder? How do I finish this sweater? Please let me know as soon as possible as this is a gift and I need to send it to the recipient. Thanks!


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