DIY Clay Cactus Ring Holder


DIY Clay Cactus Ring Holder

DIY Clay Cactus Ring Holder
DIY Clay Cactus Ring Holder

"I used to not be a jewelry person at all. But that was in the past and now I can’t get enough, especially of rings. It seems like I don’t have enough fingers. I could use a few more hands to wear rings on and craft too! I needed a place to put my two favorite sets of rings when I shower and sleep at night. So I picked up some clay last time I was at the craft store and came up with this DIY clay cactus ring holder. I have a thing for cacti and so it is like my favorite little thing ever right now You should totally make one for yourself. Keep reading for the tutorial if you don’t want to lose your rings and need a cute little DIY ring holder. WHile you have the clay out, why not make this DIY marble clay dish to hold the rest of your jewelry!?"

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This is so whimsical and cute. Who says practical crafts have to be boring? This one definitely is not!


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