Flower Stitch Blanket Stitch


Flower Stitch Blanket Stitch

Flower Stitch Blanket Stitch
Flower Stitch Blanket Stitch

"The flower stitch is a perfect crochet stitch to make a cozy blanket, you can change the width of the blanket as you would like. The flowers are made by a group of three puff stitches separated by chains, while repeating the stitch creates a look of flower fields. The sample is made with a worsted (#4) weight yarn and a 4.5 mm crochet hook. But you can use any yarn you want with a suitable crochet hook."


Crochet Hook4.5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

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