Super Crochet Scarf


Super Crochet Scarf

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Super Crochet Scarf
Super Crochet Scarf

Brave the elements with this Super Crochet Scarf. This free crochet scarf pattern is a soft and bulky infinity scarf that can weather the fall and winter chill. It's a stunning piece that lends itself well to a variety of coordinating colors. With this free crochet pattern, you'll love how you feel as well as how you look. It's toasty, gorgeous, and would make a fantastic gift for a family member or a friend. Your loved ones will fall in love with this crochet pattern just as much as you will. 


Crochet HookM/13 or 9 mm hook

Yarn Weight(5) Bulky/Chunky (12-15 stitches for 4 inches)

Crochet Gauge8 rows and 1 pattern repeat = 5 ½”

Finished Size11” wide by 88” long before fringe

Materials List

  • 2 Skeins of Red Heart Boutique Infinity in thunder
  • 1 Skein of Red Heart Boutique Infinity in poppy
  • Yarn needle

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This super scarf measures 88" inches long, and that's before the fringe is added! It seems easy enough to make, using double and half-double crochets. The colors are just perfect to wear this toward the tail end of winter, heading into early spring. The gray is reminiscent of a stormy sky. The coral color looks like young flower buds. A very smart looking super scarf that anyone can wear,


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