
47 Earth Day Projects for Adults

By: Melissa Conner, Editor,

Celebrate the planet with these great Earth Day crafts. Green crafting is a great way to not only help the environment, but to keep your own "green" in the bank.

Decorate, wear, and organize your life with these Earth Day projects for adults. From bottle cap crafts to wine bottle crafts, there are so many fun and unexpected ways to use your trash to create actual treasures. Even if Earth Day has come and gone, you can show your appreciation for the planet by recycling materials and using them for these creative free craft projects.

So this April, show Mother Earth some love (and save some green of your own) by making one or more of these fun Earth Day projects! 

Wine Bottle and Cork Crafts

These wine bottle projects that are perfect for decorating, gift giving, and more. There are also wine cork crafts that will help you get your life organized. So pour yourself a glass of vino and get inspired with these cork, and wine bottle craft ideas! While all of these crafts make great Earth Day projects (who wouldn't want to celebrate Earth Day with a little vino?), you can create wine bottle crafts any time of year.

Recycle Old Clothes Into Something New

Looking for some fun fabric scrap crafts?  Maybe a way to use an old pair of jeans?  Well we have lots of projects you can make using old worn out clothes.  These fabric projects are a great way to jump start your spring cleaning, too!  Head into that closet and gather a pile of clothes to craft with.

Trash to Treasure Ideas for Containers

We're all guilty of hanging on to that oatmeal container...or stashing those fun coffee mugs for a new project that has yet to inspire us. Well, here are some great ways to use those jars and canisters that you've been saving. Get organized and get crafty with these easy tutorials!

Aluminum Can Crafts

These pop can crafts are easy and Earth friendly, so they're the perfect way to craft for, celebrate, and honor Earth Day. 

Plastic Bottle Crafts for Earth Day

Keep that plastic out of the landfills and use it instead to make any of these lovely projects. Create gorgeous artwork, stunning bird feeders, amazing organizers, and so much more!


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