One Skein Plum Crochet Cowl Pattern


One Skein Plum Crochet Cowl Pattern

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One Skein Plum Crochet Cowl Pattern

To create this lovely One Skein Plum Crochet Cowl Pattern, you only need one skein of yarn and it is super soft. Really, there's nothing better than this crochet cowl pattern. Since you only need to know basic crochet stitches to complete this project, it's perfect for a beginner. Since it's thick and warm, this scarf is perfect for even the coldest winter months. This is also a great gift idea during the holiday season. Work one up quickly when you're in need of a last minute gift (or last minute accessory for yourself. Even if you don't have plum yarn on hand, you can still work on this super easy project. Free cowl crochet patterns are always a good idea, but in the winter, they're positively essential.


Yarn Weight(6) Super Bulky/Super Chunky (4-11 stitches for 4 inches)

Materials List

  • Size S Crochet Hook
  • Super Bulky Yarn - Patons Cobbles
  • Scissors

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This looks so cozy!


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