Butterfly Sunrise Chair Upgrade


Butterfly Sunrise Chair Upgrade

The Butterfly Sunrise Chair Upgrade is the perfect project to make with your child or grandchild! The best part about this project is that there is no wrong way to decorate a plastic chair with Krylon spray paint. Add little motifs or stickers for extra flair and enjoy making this chair with a little one.

Primary TechniquePainting



  • 1 Plastic Chair
  • 1 Can Krylon® Fusion for Plastic® - Gloss Red Pepper
  • 1 Can Krylon® Fusion for Plastic® - Gloss Sunbeam
  • 1 Can Krylon® Triple-Thick Crystal Clear Glaze


  1. Spray paint entire chair with Sunbeam, let dry
  2. Spray paint chair in random areas with Red Pepper to create different look, let dry.
  3. Redo Step 1 and 2 to get the effect you want, let dry
  4. Paint, stencil or decoupage design of your choice to chair
  5. Spray finished chair with Krylon Clear Glaze and let dry.

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