Repurpose an Old Spice Rack


Repurpose an Old Spice Rack


A reader shares her green tip for how she repurposes an old spice rack into a clever bath aid. This is a great way to store homemade bath salts.


Bath Salt Rack

I had a small spice rack that only held five spice bottles that I didn’t use anymore. Instead of just tossing it when I got a new and bigger one, I filled it up with five different kinds of bath salts and hung it up on my bathroom wall. You can go one step farther and decorate it with ribbon, shells, or whatever else matches the theme of your bathroom. Not only did I recycle it, but now my salts are easy to grab and dump in the tub. The rack also looks great too!

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I used my old spice rack for a nifty rack for acrylic craft paints.

i never thought about doing any of thise but i cant do this because my bath room is small and i do not have any moey to get the wood so when i finsh geting my fire pit and other things i might

I use my spice rack to store my serger thread when not in use. I hang it in my craft room by my serger and my thread it always handy and in good shape.

I found two spice racks at the second hand store for $3.00 for both, one had two shelves that I painted hunter green to use in my kitchen for a spice rack and the other only had one shelf so I lightly sanded it and hung it in my bathroom to keep perfume bottles on. Craft paint and stencils work great on these. You can also adapt the self to hold small spools of ribbon on a dowel. Or you can attach a mirror on the back and place small pots of plants, herbs or artificial flowers and make it look like a mini garden. Also you can find long thin baskets at your local craft stores that will fit on the shelves just take a measurement, and you can fill the baskets with barrettes or hair ties or ribbons for your little girls. The possibilities are endless. Have fun crafting.

I took an old spice rack and made a display to hang my necklaces and bracelets from.

Hi Stacy That is a great idea for my bathroom. I also had an old spice rack which has three long shelves on it just wide enough for for a spice bottle. I decided to paint it the theme color of my bedroom and I put all of my nail polish on the shelves and they fit perfectly. It also looks great on the wall too. Thanks for the tip and happy crafting. Christine


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