
Decorative Wooden Block Fourth of July Craft

Turn your home into a patriotic haven with this Decorative Wooden Block Fourth of July Craft. If you're looking for Fourth of July crafts that you can display all season long, this is the perfect project to try. With only a few easy-to-find supplies, you can transform plain blocks into real works of art. Fourth of July craft ideas can keep kids busy when they're away from camp or school, allowing parents to kick back and relax. Plus, when you makes these blocks, you can show off your pride for the USA.

Primary TechniquePainting


  • Americana Multi-Surface Acrylics
    • Lipstick
    • Cotton Ball
    • Blue Bird
    • True Blue
    • Turquoise Waters
  • Painter’s tape
  • Foam paintbrushes
  • Small paintbrush
  • 5” wooden number “4”
  • Craft glue
  • Five nails & hammer
  • Red twine
  • Stencil or printed outline of the continental US
  • Sandpaper
  • Orbital sander (optional)
  • Hammer
  • Wooden blocks- 4", 5" 6" (2), 7”



  1. Using sandpaper or an orbital sander, sand each wooden block to remove any rough edges and surfaces.
  2. Using the foam paintbrushes, paint each wooden block with two coats of the Americana Multi-Surface Satin paint as noted:
    1. Paint the 4” block with Blue Bird.
    2. Paint the 5” block and one 6” block with Cotton Ball.
    3. Paint the second 6” block with Lipstick.
    4. Paint the 7” block with Blue Bird.
    5. Paint the wooden number “4” with Cotton Ball.
  3. Once the paint is dry, distress the painted wooden number with a small piece of sandpaper.
  4. For the blue star block, distress the edges and surfaces of the block. Hammer five small nails into the block to form the points of a star. Tie one end of a length of red twine on one of the nails. Wind the twine around the nails to form a star. Tie the other end of the twine to the starting nail and cut off any excess.

  5. For the striped block, use painter’s tape to mark off two sections of the block. Paint the exposed wood with two coats of Lipstick and then remove the painter’s tape. When the paint is dry, distress the edges and surfaces with sandpaper.

  6. For the “4” block, use craft glue to adhere the wooden number to the block. Distress the edges and surfaces of the block with sandpaper.

  7. For the USA block, turn the block horizontally and trace the outline of the Continental US on the block. Using the small paintbrush, paint the outline of US with True Blue paint and then go back to fill in the US. If you are using a stencil, secure the stencil with painter’s tape and fill in the shape with paint. When the paint dries, distress the edges and surfaces of the block.

  8. For the fireworks block, use the small paintbrush to paint fireworks with Lipstick, True Blue, Turquoise Waters, and Cotton Ball. Use the handle end of the paintbrush to add small dots using Cotton Ball and Turquoise Waters. Once the paint is dry, distress the edges and surfaces of the block with sandpaper.


Painting the Seasons with Americana Multi-Surface Acrylics


For more great home decor projects and paint craft ideas, check out our eBook Painting the Seasons with Americana Multi-Surface Acrylics from DecoArt. You'll find DIY craft projects for all season.






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