Frog Embroidery Design


Frog Embroidery Design


Use this free embroidery design to stitch this four-legged friend on to a child's clothing or blanket. Froggy is sure to bring a smile to everyone's face.

Frog Embroidery Pattern

Design Details

H/W: 50.80 x 76.20 mm (2.00" x 3.00")
Stitches: 10811
Formats: DST, EXP, HUS, PES
Vendor: Wicked Stitch of the East

To download this free embroidery design, click here.

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Really cute and would go so well on a project I'm working on for my niece - but my machine uses SEW format! Any possibility you could convert it or post as a bmp and I could convert it?

Cute design!


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