Radiant Ruffled Blossom Bouquet
A Radiant Ruffled Blossom Bouquet makes a delightful addition to any dinner table or mantelpiece. Learn how to make fabric flowers like these sublime specimens from Maya Road. These DIY fabric flowers look just like a darling bouquet of carnations!
- White cotton fabric
- Maya Mist water-based pigments
- Amethyst Metallic
- Antique Bronze Metallic
- Antique Patina Metallic
- Antique Silver Metallic
- Avocado Metallic
- Blue Corn Metallic
- Blue Raspberry Metallic
- Blueberry Metallic
- Bubblegum Metallic
- Charcoal
- Cherry Metallic - Heat gun (optional)
- Sewing machine
- Needle and thread
- Straight sticks
- Cut white cotton fabric 5 inches wide and 45 inches long. You can also use white cotton print fabric for interest.
- Spray fabric strip with Maya Mist and let dry completely. It helps if you use a heat gun to help heat set the mist. Each of these flowers were a different Maya Mist color.
- Iron the fabric strips wrong sides together widthwise. Now, your fabric strips will be 2.5 inches wide x 45 inches long.
- Open your fabric up and sew a long gathering stitch down the middle of the fabric strip.
- Fold your fabric strip in half again and cut scallops on the top of the strip 2 inches wide. Sew the edge of your scallop.
- Start at one end of the fabric strip and start to pull your gathering thread carefully.
- Tie one end of the fabric strip to a stick and continue to gather and hot glue the fabric to your stick to make your flower.
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