
Sewn Crochet Hook Organizer Pattern

Make a crochet hook storage case that fits perfectly on your end table without taking up much space!

Sewn Crochet Hook Organizer Pattern

Sew a crochet hook holder that fits around the base of your lamp! This innovative design means your hook organizer won't take up added space on your table. It fits neatly around your lamp for easy access, and you can see at a glance where to find the hook you need.

This free sewing pattern includes pockets to fit other crochet supplies as well, such as scissors, stitch markers, tapestry needles, a stitch counter, and other supplies. If you don't keep a lamp on your end table, there is also the option to make a version of the crochet hook organizer that stands on its own. Don't dig in a bag anymore to find the crochet hook you need! The hooks will be easily accessible with this fabulous project.

Project TypeMake a Project

Time to CompleteIn an evening

Sewn byMachine

Materials List

  • 6” x 21”-plastic canvas or cardboard
  • 14” x 22”-fabric strip
  • 6” X 22”- fabric strip
  • 4” x 22”-fabric strip
  • 8” - fabric circle

Carolyn's Crochet Hook Organizer

  1. For quite a while I told myself I needed to make an organizer for all my crochet hooks and other paraphernalia so I didn't have to dig around in the bag they were kept in. The only purpose it served was to keep them in one place.

  2. Finally, I got around to it and its one of those things I just wonder why it took so long to make something so simple, so easy, using supplies already on hand and that saves me time and aggravation. The crochet hook organizer couldn't take up extra space on my small table so it was designed to go around the base of my lamp.

  3. The five inch pocket holds my scissors, yarn darners, row markers and other small necessities. All my measurements can be adjusted to suit your own needs.

  4. The base of my lamp was 19” around so 3” were added to the length of strips to allow for seams, etc. The Crochet Hook Organizer can stand on its own if you wish.


  1. Hem [6” & 4” strips]-on long side-fold over 1/2”, twice and sew.

  2. Layer: 14” x 22”,  6” x 22” strip, 4” x 22” strips with bottom edges alligned [see photos].

  3. To create pockets: Measure 5” from side edge to create largest pocket, sew seam every 1 1/2” to creat crochet hook pockets [see photo].

  4. Sew 14” sides together-right sides facing.

  5. Sew plastic canvas at 6” sides to create cylinder.

  6. Put plastic canvas cylinder inside fabric pocket tube-pockets on outside of cylinder-leave 1” fabric at bottom edge.

  7. Fold fabric at top into plastic canvas cylinder.

  8. Turn right side in, sew 8” fabric circle to bottom of organizer -I had no problem machine sewing the circle onto the bottom.

  9. Turn organizer right side out and your organizer is ready for your crochet tools.  

    Click both images below to zoom.

  10. I like being able to readily pick whatever size hook  I need instead of scrambling through all of them every time a different size was needed. Even though the little bag was clear the hooks usually had to all be pulled out and my other notions were in the way. Now they are all visible and easily accessible. The Crochet Hook Organizer may not be the most fashionable décor but I am a utilitarian kind of gal and it suits me fine.

    Happy Hooking to all of you and let us know how you like the article.

    Carolyn Wainscott

What would be the most convenient place for you to keep your crochet hooks handy?


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