
What's Your Crafting Superhero Name?

Take our fun quiz to find out YOUR superhero name. Don't forget to share!

By: Morgan M. and Brittnee H., Editors,

We're all crafters in our own way— whether that be through various yarn skills (like knitting and crocheting), recycling things we can't bear to part with, or scrapbooking. Sometimes, I'm convinced it has to be a superpower to magically create something spectacular out of nothing. Of course, every superhuman-- like us crafty folks-- needs an awesome superhero name to proclaim to the world. 

Whether your crafting superhero name is delightful like The Invincible Yarn Hoarder or a tad bit ridiculous like Professor Sparkle Pants, we want to hear it! Check out our quiz below to find your name. Then, be sure that you head down to the comments section and share it with us. We're curious what masked heroes are hiding in our midst. P.S. Mine is "Queen Craft Monster" which is... 100% accurate.

*Click the graphic to enlarge and print to share


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