
Recycled Wine Crate Footstool

This Recycled Wine Crate Footstool DIY Home Decor uses the Foamology Twelve Piece Design Foam covered with a variety of my favorite quilt fabrics as the top cushion. This is a great example of how easy it is to try your hand at DIY home decorating. Embellish your footstool with a collection of buttons around the border. Use your creation to store current projects, books and magazines. This is a great way to clear clutter from your space without having to throw anything away. If you're sick of boring craft project ideas and want to try your hand at something new and different, this is the perfect project to work on now.

Primary TechniqueGreen Crafting

Materials List

  • Foamology Twelve Piece Design Foam from Fairfield
  • Recycled wine crate
  • Scrap wood
  • 12 pieces of fabric
  • 4 wood ball feet
  • Buttons


  1. The cushion top is made with Foamology Twelve Piece Design Foam and 12 of my favorite quilt fabric pieces along with some scrap wood, buttons and 4 wooden ball feet.

  2. My wine crate wasn't the exact size of the Foamology Twelve square Foam piece so I made the lid a bit bigger. I didn't know exactly how much extra puffy the foam would be with the fabric on it so I decided to cover it first before I made the frame lid.

  3. I wanted to fussy cut some of the fabric to include images and text so I made a velum template.

  4. Once my foam was covered I measured it and cut some strips of wood to make the frame and a piece for the lid base.

  5. I glued the frame together and made sure it was square with my quilt ruler and the lid base as a guide.

  6. To embellish the cushion frame I cut the shanks off of a variety of buttons USING EYE PROTECTION!!!!!! as the shanks can go flying even if you are holding the button with the shank side down.

  7. I made 4 rows of buttons to make sure I had a nice variety for each side. All that was left to do was glue the buttons around the frame boarder and the ball feet on the bottom of the wine crate.

  8. Then I put the cushion into the frame and glued it down to the lid base holding it secure with a c-clamp on each corner.

  9. I glued dice on the underside of the lid in each corner so that the lid would not slide around.


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