
Orange Peel DIY Bird Feeders

In the Designer's Words: "Why go out and buy an expensive bird feeder when you can make one yourself? This easy DIY bird feeder will teach you how, using orange peel. "
Learning how to make bird feeders on your own can allow you to take care of the wildlife around your house without breaking the budget. The best thing about the Orange Peel DIY Bird Feeders is that you do not have to spend a dime to make them (aside from buying bird seed). Perfect for an Earth Day activity or just adding some nature to your world, these recycled crafts will take under an hour to make and give you hours of bird-watching fun. These bird feeder crafts are a fabulous alternative to the usual peanut butter and toilet paper roll bird feeders in an elementary school if a child in the classroom has a peanut allergy.

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