
Are Shrinky Dinks Safe?

Are Shrinky Dinks toxic?

Are Shrinky Dinks safe? This is a common question in the crafting industry as the popularity of shrink plastic crafts has resurged. The population becomes more and more health conscious, and of course we want to know whether melting plastic in the oven is safe!

Shrinky Dinks and other shrink plastic crafts are safe because the oven temperatures are low enough that toxins like dioxin are not released. Dioxins form at very high temperatures, typically above 700 degrees Fahrenheit. Many people see the plastic melting in the oven and worry about harmful chemicals, but shrink plastic crafts use much lower temperatures. Many will also be relieved to find out that shrink plastic does not cause ecological damage. 

It's true that the smell of shrink plastic is unpleasant. Unpleasant, but not harmful. Be prepared for the fumes and consider working on shrink plastic crafts in a well ventilated area. The biggest thrill when making shrink plastic crafts is watching them crinkle and shrink in the oven, so have fans nearby so you can enjoy the show!

Not only are Shrinky Dinks safe, but also DIY shrink plastic ideas like fusing plastic bags and using ordinary #6 plastic. 

By the way, shrink plastic is a polymer, and you hear that word in the context of another popular craft---polymer clay! Polymer clay is cured in the oven, and this of course is perfectly safe when baking as directed.

Are there other crafts you're wary of for safety reasons? Tell us in the comments!


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