
Rosebud Felt Flower Bouquet

This felt flowers DIY will be your new centerpiece . . . on every table.

Love the look of flowers, but not the upkeep? These dainty felt rosebud bouquets are perfect for everyone who has a struggling green thumb! These DIY home décor accessories look great in home, office or dorm – and they don’t need sunlight to shine!
You can choose to add them to small vases, teacups and more – these would make great table centerpieces if you created larger bouquets. These rosebuds have a bit of sparkle with the addition of a crystal flatback center – if you prefer them not as glam, keep them plain. The more sparkly the better, I always say though!

Step 1: Gather materials.

You’ll need felt in a variety of colors, 18g aluminum wire in green, scissors, flatback gemstones and wire cutters. You’ll also need hot glue and a hot glue gun.

Step 2: Cut a few 8” pieces of aluminum wire.

These will act as your stems.

Step 3: Cut various squares of felt from different colors.

These will be your roses, and the size of your square will affect the final size of your rose. I made mine about 4”, give or take.

Step 4: Round the corners of your felt piece.

Cut a spiral into the center of your square. Make sure the widths are somewhat even!

Step 5: Cut a fluted edge into the outer edges.

…..this gives a more realistic look.

Step 6: Glue the very center of the spiral onto the end of a wire piece.

Step 7: Continue wrapping the felt around the wire, gluing down with every wrap for added strength.

Don’t wrap too tightly or too loosely!

Step 8: Glue down the very end of the spiral to finish off your rosebud.

Step 9: Glue in crystal flatbacks to the center of the roses for added sparkle.

Step 10: Cut a few leaf-shaped pieces out of green felt.

Step 11: Glue the small leaves under each rose, for a bit of greenery!

Step 12: Group your roses together and wrap green aluminum wire around the stems for a cleaner look.

This also makes it much easier to place in your chosen vase.

Step 13: Cut any excess wire off the ends to fit your vase.

Simply place in bouquet- if you want to gently move any of the rosebuds, bend the aluminum wires to your liking.

Hope you enjoyed the tutorial! Check out more of my DIYs at!


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