
Easy Door Mat

By: Jennifer Priest

Transform an ugly doormat from the dollar store or the clearance section into a stylish mat you'll be proud to show off. Using Kyrlon Color Master Spray paint and Stencil1 stencils, you can bring an ugly old doormat to life again! This is a simple and fun project that gives you the freedom to really try all kinds of things. Use stencils to spray paint a design or a greeting on your mat and welcome guests to your home in the most creative way.

Primary TechniqueGreen Crafting



  • Krylon Color Master Spray Paint in Oxford Blue and Bauhaus Gold
  • Stencil1 Stencil
  • Drop cloth


  1. Put the drop cloth down to cover your work surface, aka, the driveway. Side note: move your cars so the overspray wont get on them. Its always windy here so I always have overspray.

  2. Next, lay the mat on the drop cloth and shake those paint cans super well. It took two coats of Krylon Color Master spray paint in Oxford Blue to cover the mat. Its because the mat has ALOT of fibers and you gotta get the paint into all the crevices.

  3. After that dries, lay the stencil onto the mat and spray with one color of spray paint. You can add newspaper or cardboard to the stencil to create a larger mask around the edges to prevent any overspray getting on the other parts of the mat. Youll want to spray each color of the stencil separately, waiting for it to dry before moving the stencil over and painting the next image. I used one color of paint with the stencil for a more uniform look, to compliment a wreath I also made for the front door.

  4. After letting that dry, I decided the mat was too special to be in the backyard and it should go at my front door.


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