
How To Make Kinetic Sand

By: Holly Homer from
How To Make Kinetic Sand

"Kinetic Sand is the rage at our house. Our kids love to play with it – time for us to learn how to make kinetic sand for ourselves. This kinetic sand recipe has the same elastic qualities as the store bought stuff, it is similar to playdough in the way that you can mold it. But it also gritty (this version is even grittier than the store stuff) and it melts a bit like sand. Your kids will play with it for hours!"

Primary TechniqueGeneral Crafts

Materials List

  • Slime
  • Disposable Containers
  • Play Sand


  1. Get a batch of slime. You can buy it here or you can make your own slime. We found that a stickier recipe – like our fake snot– makes the best sand additive.

  2. You will need disposable containers and a stirring utensil (we ended up throwing away the spoon after the slime “glued” itself to the spoon – don’t make the same mistake).

  3. Play sand. We attempted to remove the tiny pebbles from the sand to make it less gritty… we used a kitchen sifter – but even with the small stones, the sand still “works”.

  4. ow, pour your slime into the sand and mix it with the spoon until it clumps together. Once it is a “mound”, as is pictured, you can use your hands and finish mixing in the sand. Continue to add sand to your ball until it is no longer sticky. If it is still wet, add more sand! We used nearly half a cup of slime per every cup of sand (estimates).


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