
Coming Unhinged Christmas Trees

Designer Lisa Fulmer wanted to challenge herself to make a modern, industrial, winter holiday vignette for the table or mantel, using only materials from the hardware store. She walked up and down every aisle, not knowing what materials might translate well until she saw these hinges. She knew they'd make perfect trees! These unique and fun Coming Unhinged Christmas Trees are great for tabletop decorating, as well as placing on your mantel. You could even use these mini trees to add holiday cheer to your desk or bookshelf.

Primary TechniquePainting



  • 1 Can of Krylon® Gold Shimmer Metallic
  • 1 Can of Krylon® Red Shimmer Metallic
  • 1 Can of Krylon® ColorMaster White Gloss
  • 1 Can of Krylon® ColorMaster Emerald Green Gloss
  • 1 Can of Krylon® Premium Gold Foil Metallic
  • 12"x24" decorative metal sheet
  • 12"x12" smooth foam sheets
  • 3 large hinges
  • Pack of upholstery tacks
  • Steel scrubber
  • Roll of rubber shelf liner
  • Set of mini holiday lights
  • 5 Mason jar lids
  • 5 circles cut from holiday cards
  • Craft glue
  • Cork
  • Chopstick
  • Hole punch
  • Gold wire



  1. Paint metal sheet white; paint hinges green; paint half the upholstery tacks red; paint mason jar lids gold - use 2-3 coats, allowing a few minutes between each coat. Gently pull from the center of both sides of the steel scrubber and stretch it into a long strand, then paint the top half gold metallic foil.
  2. Trim circles from old holiday cards and glue one in the center of each mason jar lid. Punch a hole in each lid and twist a little piece of gold wire through the hole and bend the ends into a hook.
  3. Cut the cork into little chunks and place the red tacks in the holes of each hinge and secure the point of the tack inside the a cork chunk - it's like putting post earrings in your ears.
  4. Glue the smooth foam sheets to the back of the metal sheet, let dry, then randomly poke a chopstick through the holes of the decorative metal sheet and through the foam, at the top of the sheet to create the stars. Push a mini light into each hole from the back.
  5. Place your vignette on top of the rubber shelf mat (it looks like snow) as shown and plug in your lights.


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